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Life In A Pandemic: Animal Crossing...and other distractions

The world is in a constant state of flux and transition which can be scary and overwhelming for us all. Instead of scrolling through the news for the 80th time in a day, I encourage you to stop. Take a breath. And consider shifting your focus to something small that can be achieved easily within a 15 minute time span. If you are a gamer, maybe this is a mini-challenge for extra Nook-miles on Animal crossing- because let's face it, a calming island filled with cute animals where one your main to-do list items is beach combing for fallen stars is a nice break from the worries of reality right now. If you are a reader, this can be picking up an old favorite and re-reading a chapter. Neither?

Consider one of these:

- Turn on Netflix and watch Nadiya Hussain's Time To Eat and daydream of colorful kitchens and easy meals - just watching her cook makes me feel calmer and even with zero cooking skills of my own, her recipes actually seem achievable!

- Try a free online class or workshop (there are a ton being offered right now!) and complete a single lesson. This checks something off a list in a tangible way (something we don't get often enough right now in this land of nebulous uncertainty) and fills your brain with new knowledge that isn't just COVID-19 related- that's a gift.

- Pull out a forgotten face-mask or fancy lotion and actually take the time to use it. Put on some soothing music, lay back and enjoy the smell, the sensation, and the simplicity of this small self-care ritual.

- Write a letter to a friend about a favorite memory you both share or your first indulgence you hope for after the world rights itself again (trip to Thailand, anyone?)

- Put on Pharrell William's music video for "Happy" and get your dance moves on

- Do a doodle! Or if you don't want to draw something- download a free coloring page off-line and color it in. Be bold. Color outside the lines (or in them, whatever makes you smile).

- Finish a small home project- hang up some art, rearrange the junk drawer, or make your bookshelves organized by color of the rainbow.

Our minds and our bodies want an end to the uncertainty, and that's a while off, so taking these little moments where you have a task you get to see through from start to finish and where you get control and maybe even an excuse to play or smile- that's important. So try one of these, all of these, or one that works better for you and know I wish you well.





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