Hey Readers! In need of Inspiration?
Whenever I feel stuck, I turn to my library or my bedside piles of inspiration. Books are such powerful motivators when we need something to change. Some of my favorites include the books below.
Want to do something that scares you, but feeling afraid?
Read Daring Greatly by Brene Brown
Want to do something creative, but stuck in perfectionism or self criticism?
Read The Artist's Way by Julie Cameron or Wishcraft by Barbara Sher or Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
Want to get some order around your house, but don't know where to start?
Read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo or Outer Order, Inner Calm by Gretchen Rubin
Want to tackle your finances, but don't want to cut out your coffee treats?
Read You Need a Budget by Jesse Mecham or Your Money or Your Life by Vicki Robin
Feeling Burnt Out and don't understand why?
Read Can't Even: Why Millennial Became The Burn Out Generation by Anne Helen Petersen
Feel free to reach out to me with book recommendations or requests for ideas on what to read next.